
In this project I have used different visualization techniques to communicate insight on no @WeRateDogs twitter account

  • datasets were gathered, assessed and cleaned prior to make these visulaiztion
  • The datasets are combined make 1915 records and the file is attached.
  • I have analyzed relationship between variables such as Favorite_count , Retweet_count.
  • I also make a Univariate analysis as score, dog_name, dog_breed and the distribution of dog_score


  • For the first insight : Retweet_count vs Favorite_count,I used a line chart to see the moving avearage for these counts over time.
  • For the source analysis: I used a pie chart to see the contribution of each source channel and also introduce a Tooltip to include the percentage
  • For the dog_breeds & dog_names analysis, I used horizontal bars to know the most common breed and name repectively in the dataset
  • For the dog cloud I designed it i python and includes the generated picture from the text column here to reflect some of the insights from the post written
  • For the analysis of dog_score I used the histogram to show the distribution of score and how they are distibuted.
  • Finally, I added a screen shot from the outliers scores to demonstrate how and why they are rated/scored that much?

Initial Version

  • Here is the link to my first try before collectig the feedback:!/vizhome/WeRateDogs_story_first_try/WeRateDogs


I was succeed to collect some of valuable feedbacks from my fiends and classmates on Slack

  • someone : "dog_cloud contains He& She you may need to omit such like words"

    • Actually all these words are driven from the text column which is the post itself, These are indicators to the ratio of dog's gender , So I kept them but may be more benficial to add a text note there, thanks
  • someone: "I didn't catch that you use filterd better to include one at least"

    • Already, I used one of the graph which is dog_breed to filter other graphs, and a note to hover for more info is included, but I may think to add a specific section including the filtering by all dog_breeds.
  • someone : "Awesome dog_cloud"

  • someone :"Weren't we should make a story?"

    • Nice catch, I would split this visualization into sections
  • someone : "If you need some sugesstion, I'd say that it may be better to place a l legend under the chart for avearges"

    • Actually the histogram not need a legend as it's described by itself in the x-title
  • The moving avearages for Retweets and Favorite counts, it may be better to be above the grpah section directly.

  • someone : "@dog_rate is a fun account to follow"

  • someone :

    • "I have some constructive feedback as follows:
      • Typo: under the dog_cloud 'most' instead of 'msot'
      • 'MAV30' doesn't make sense to me
      • Your measue names are cut off a bit. Perhaps try something else.
      • Use one style, one font and one font to write your comments for consistency"
    • Awesome, really constructive ,I will revise these points, thanks

Final Version

In this final version, I would try to address the above notes/suggestion and fix whenever errors or typos.

A work by Mohamed Hindam