In this project I have used different visualization techniques to communicate insight on no @WeRateDogs twitter account!/vizhome/WeRateDogs_story_first_try/WeRateDogs
I was succeed to collect some of valuable feedbacks from my fiends and classmates on Slack
someone : "dog_cloud contains He& She you may need to omit such like words"
someone: "I didn't catch that you use filterd better to include one at least"
someone : "Awesome dog_cloud"
someone :"Weren't we should make a story?"
someone : "If you need some sugesstion, I'd say that it may be better to place a l legend under the chart for avearges"
The moving avearages for Retweets and Favorite counts, it may be better to be above the grpah section directly.
someone : "@dog_rate is a fun account to follow"
someone :
In this final version, I would try to address the above notes/suggestion and fix whenever errors or typos.!/vizhome/WeRateDogs_story/Dog_Story